The Gunpowder Plot
In 2013, SPECIFIQ launched the 'The Gunpowder Plot' for the immersive and interactive theatre industries. The Gunpowder Plot meets regularly to offer makers, producers and venues the opportunity to stay in touch with all corners of this rapidly developing part of the theatre world. With so many new shows and venues opening it can be difficult to keep up - The Gunpowder Plot lets us all take stock of how things are changing, provides a place for discussion and promotion, and creates a network of people to approach with offers and ideas.
From writers, directors and creators to producers, commissioners and venues, we call all those with an interest and an involvement in this industry to meet up, mingle, and discuss plots and plans.
To keep up to date with all the news and upcoming events, sign up to join The Gunpowder Plot mailing list here.
Please note our Privacy Policy.
Image from The Gunpowder Plot, October 2016